Northeast Governor Vetoes Cannabis Greenhouses but Approves Law Adding Generalized Anxiety to Medical Marijuana Qualifiers

Pot Greenhouse

On the CBD and Cannabis front, here’s some recent news from the Granite State that might pique your interest on cannabis anxiety law:

New Hampshire is expanding access to therapeutic cannabis. Governor Chris Sununu just signed a bill adding generalized anxiety disorder to the list of qualifying conditions. Starting September 10 of this year, if you have generalized anxiety and get certified by a medical professional, you’ll be able to, under this new cannabis anxiety law adds anxiety apply for a cannabis registry ID. This could be a game-changer for those of you looking for alternatives to pharmaceutical treatments for anxiety. Yes, this is New Hampshire, but most states are carefully looking at others to see what bills are getting passed and what kind of success they’re having in pushing forward initiatives like this.

While it’s a small victory for anxiety sufferers, it’s not all green lights in New Hampshire. Sununu also put the brakes on a bill that would have allowed alternative treatment centers to build greenhouses for cannabis cultivation. While this could have led to more efficient and eco-friendly growing practices, the governor cited concerns about security measures, which, in his defense, makes a whole lot of sense and shows that he isn’t just jumping on the sometimes excitable bandwagon of pundits who want everything to happen at once. Sununu stated, “The legislation provides scant detail regarding safety, security, and location requirements. Those details are necessary to ensure appropriate controls on a regulated substance.”  

In related news, a cannabis legalization bill backed by Sununu was recently shot down by lawmakers. It seems the path to full legalization in New Hampshire is still a bit hazy.

What do you think about these developments? Are you excited about the expanded access for anxiety sufferers? Disappointed about the greenhouse veto? Let us know in the comments!

Stay tuned for more updates on the ever-changing landscape of CBD and cannabis regulations across the country.

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